Date at Fortress Wall of Seoul (3) – Part 2

Gun-Ho received a mail from the Advanced Center for Administrative Development at Seoul National University. It was a notification for an interview.

The information about the interview was clearly stated on their website, and Gun-Ho missed it.

"Shoot. The interview is scheduled for tomorrow."

Gun-Ho was thinking if he wanted to go to the interview with Attorney Young-Jin Kim, and then he decided to try it by himself.

"They only require coming to night classes twice per week. It's doable for me. I might encounter some annoying people there, but since Attorney Young-Jin Kim insists, let's just take the class with him."

After lunch, Gun-Ho notified Chan-Ho Eum.

"I'm leaving at 2 pm. Be ready."

"Okay, sir."

When Gun-Ho walked out of the building at 2 pm, his Bentley was parked at the entrance waiting for him.

"Let's head to Seoul National University."

"To Seoul National University, sir?"

"I will cultivate my knowledge there."