Date at Fortress Wall of Seoul (4) – Part 1

Gun-Ho asked Young-Eun again, "Did you… just say that you want a rich man for your spouse?"

"Yes, I did."

"You don't care about the shared values or interest in life, or the person's emotional maturity or anything like that? I don't understand."

"A person can still be rich with a decent philosophy of life and emotional maturity."

The fact that Young-Eun liked a rich man turned Gun-Ho off about her. Gun-Ho felt awfully disappointed in her, and he became sarcastic in talking to her.

"Then you might want to try those men who have a wealthy family like the owner family of a conglomerate."

Gun-Ho gulped down his beer.

Young-Eun smiled coldly without saying a word.

"I believe that medical doctors make a decent living. Wouldn't that be enough for you? Do you still need more money?"

Gun-Ho felt upset, and he stammered in anger and disappointment.

Young-Eun rolled up her sleeve quietly and showed a scar on her left arm. It was a horrendous scar for a lady's arm.