Wedding (4) – Part 2

Gun-Ho received a call from Jae-Sik Moon.

"The landowner next door decided to sell the farmland to us for 900 million won. I'm heading to the realtor's office right now to make the sales and purchase contract."

"Hmm, really? He finally made the decision, huh? You have enough funds to make the contract, right? I will transfer 900 million won tomorrow since the bank is already closed today."

"The landowner will take care of the permit to buy farmland for us."

"Really? That's nice."

"It's March already. I think it's a good season to condition the soil and improve the soil quality. Well, I guess I don't have to be hearing that old man's complaints anymore. I've stressed a lot whenever he complained about oils leaking into his land."

"Since we currently have 1,000 pyung for the business, once we add the land next door, the entire land would total 2,500 pyung."