Minister Jin-Woo Lee as Officiator (1) – Part 1

Gun-Ho placed well-cooked pork belly meat in front of Young-Eun.

"Eat more. We are almost done with the wedding preparation. Let's celebrate it."

"Oppa, you eat more too."

After drinking two glasses of soju in a row, Gun-Ho asked, "Young-Eun, why don't you drink one glass of soju?"

Gun-Ho filled up an empty glass with soju and gave it to Young-Eun.

"Did you choose the officiator for our wedding?"

"Yeah, I did. Minister Jin-Woo Lee of xxx will preside over our wedding."

"Oh, I think I heard of his name before."

"He seems to like golfing. After the wedding, I will invite him to have a round of golf."

"Do you play golf, oppa?"

"Of course. I learned it because it helps my business. What about you, Young-Eun?"

"I have never touched golf clubs before."

"I will teach you later."

"No, thank you. I think playing golf is an extravagant hobby."

"I saw many medical doctors playing golf."

"Not me. It's not appealing to me."

"What kind of activities do you like then?"