Collaboration of Transportation Business – Part 1

Gun-Ho and BM Entertainment's manager were talking about the soap opera production business in China. The entertainment manager said, "I know you have a very good Kkwansi with the municipal government of Shanghai City. Also, it is true that there are lots of production companies for soap operas there? Whether a production company would be successful or not mostly hinges on the contents of the soap operas that they produce. So, it's not simple for me to give you a yes-or-no answer to your question. I would have to say that it depends."

"Hmm. That makes sense."

"Many Chinese soap operas are long-running dramas, and many of them usually have more than thirty episodes. If you want to get into this business, you need to ask yourself if you can or if you are willing to handle the cost."

"How much would it cost to film one soap opera?"