Collaboration of Transportation Business – Part 2

Young-Eun got off work early that Friday. When she got home in TowerPalace, she started cooking Doenjang-jjigae*. The last time she visited Gun-Ho's parents' home, Gun-Ho's mother gave her own recipe of Doenjang-jjigae to Young-Eun, and she was cooking Donenjang-jjigae with that recipe. Young-Eun felt confident that her Doenjang-jjigae should be as good as Gun-Ho's mother's. It was certainly better than her previous one, but Gun-Ho couldn't tell it was good at all.

'Shoot. As long as I live with this woman, I will have to assume the suffering of eating this sort of dreary food.'

But Gun-Ho couldn't tell Young-Eun about the truth about her food.

"How is it? Isn't it delicious?"

"Yeah, it's good."

There was fried pork belly as a side dish. Any meat would taste good if fried. Young-Eun seemed to really enjoy her own food. She wrapped fried pork belly with a lettuce before putting them in her mouth.

"Take your time. No one is going to eat your food."

Young-Eun mumbled.