Expanding Logistics Business into Overseas Market (3) – Part 2

The president of the terminal called for his chauffeur, and said to him, "Take them back to their hotel in Antang City."

"Yes, sir."

The president then turned around and extended his hand to Gun-Ho for a handshake.

"I will see you at dinner later today."

"Sure, I will see you then. Thank you for showing me around the terminal."

After parting from the terminal's president, Gun-Ho got in the car with Chan-Ho and headed back to their hotel.

In the car, Gun-Ho asked the chauffeur, "Do you know how many workers there are in this terminal?"

"As far as I know, there are about 130 workers."

"Hmm, really?"

"By the way, sir, you speak the Chinese language very well. I thought you came from Hong Kong or Taiwan."

The chauffeur said while looking at Gun-Ho through the rear-view mirror.

"Do you often see many visitors from Hong Kong or Taiwan around here?"