Expanding Logistics Business into Overseas Market (4) – Part 1

The deputy mayor refuted Gun-Ho's claim strongly that they planned to build an unnecessarily large terminal for a small city.

"It is true that the terminal that we designed to build is maybe too big for the current Antang City. However, we need to take into consideration that Antang City will grow significantly. Antang City currently has a population of 800,000, but we never know how large it will grow after three years or five years."

"Antang City is situated inland, and I don't think its population will grow dramatically within a few years."

"That's not true. The Chinese central government is aggressively promoting the development of the west area, and Antang City is part of it. The west area has fallen behind in development compared to the east area. The government wants to develop the west area to the level of the east area."

The director of the transportation department, who was sitting next to the deputy mayor, added.