Expanding Logistics Business into Overseas Market (4) – Part 2

Chan-Ho brought a small box of some first-aid medicine. The box was a first-aid kit with all kinds of medicines and items such as digestive medicines like Cheong Ro Hwan, cold medicines, an antibiotic ointment, adhesive bandages, compress dressings, etc. They were placed in the box in a very organized way.

"Wow. You are very well prepared."

"Actually, the madam gave it to me."

"Madam? What madam?"

"Your wife, sir."

"My wife? Really? When did she give this to you?"

"She stopped by the building in Sinsa Town the day before we left. You didn't see her?"

"She did?"

"She came during lunchtime and gave this box to me, and she said she wants us to have a safe trip. She said she couldn't stay long because she had to get back to work as soon as possible."

"I see."

Gun-Ho was touched by his wife's thoughtfulness and care.

'Young-Eun, thank you.'