GH Plastic Co., Ltd. (1) – Part 1

Gun-Ho and Chan-Ho headed to GH Parts Company in Min-Hyeok's Audi. When they arrived, a few executive officers came to Gun-Ho to greet him. They were familiar faces to Gun-Ho.

"Mr. Chairman, you are here."

They addressed Gun-Ho as Mr. Chairman since Min-Hyeok was the president of the company.

"How have you all been?"

Gun-Ho had a handshake with each executive officer there and tapped their backs.

"Hmm, it seems all the machines are working right now."

"Right. They are fully working. However, we can't run them overnight. They are not in that good condition yet."

The retired factory manager, who was currently working with Min-Hyeok Kim in an advisory position ran, to Gun-Ho when he heard that Gun-Ho was there.

"How have you been? You look good."

"Yes, sir. President Min-Hyeok Kim is providing me with a very comfortable work environment."

"It's really good to see you doing well here."