Business Tour in India (2) – Part 1

Gun-Ho was sitting in his office at Dyeon Korea, and he called for the interpreter— Mr. Lee.

"Please have a seat and have a cup of tea with me."

"Of course, sir."

Secretary Seon-Hye Yee brought tea to the president's office. Ms. Seon-Hyeo Yee was the sister-in-law of a government official in Asan City. She could speak English. At the beginning of her employment, she was inept at work and sometimes made mistakes. But, she was handling her work very well now.

"How do you like your work so far, Mr. Interpreter Lee?"

"It's good. I like it."

"I understand that you have extensive work experience with a large company's branch office abroad. Which countries had you worked at previously?"

"Usually, I had worked in the U.S. Also, I had been to Malaysia and Europe. Mostly, I had stayed in countries where English is an official language."

"You retired when you were 53 years old which is such a young age to retire. You probably didn't intend to end your career that early, right?"