Business Tour in India (2) – Part 2

Gun-Ho continued to talk to Director Kim and Mr. Adam Castler about his plan sending Mr. Interpreter Lee to India.

"Mr. Lee used to work in a branch office abroad of a large company, and he oversaw the business there. I believe he would do an amazing job there. I just talked with Mr. Lee about this. Both of you— Director Dong-Chan Kim and Mr. Vice President Adam Castler— have constantly been talking to me about hiring Mr. Lee as an employee."

"That's right, sir. I think he will be an asset to our company."

Mr. Adam Castler and Director Kim seemed to be satisfied that their recommendation was accepted by Gun-Ho.

"Mr. Lee had worked in an overseas branch office manager with a level of manager position, so I think it's fair that he starts with us with the same level of position. Do you all agree with me on this?"

"Of course, sir."

"I'm with you."