Costume Play Event – Part 1

When Gun-Ho arrived at his office in Dyeon Korea, Asan City, he started reviewing the documents that Mr. Adam Castler showed him. Each document was written in Chinese, and there was a translated English version attached to them, and they were notarized.

"Let me see the documents."

"The documents look perfectly normal as expected."

"I see a deposit slip for the paid-in capital, the appraisal for the storage land, the list of customers corroborated by their tax invoices… They all look good. Min-Hyeok sent us the ownership transfer form for a business entity as well."

"Sir, I know I asked you to sign the contract with me simultaneously, but I think I'd better sign it after I come back from the trip to China. It would be a violation of the head office's procedure if I sign the acquisition contract before I conduct a proper inspection of the company."

"Sure. Either way, I'm fine."