Costume Play Event – Part 2

Gun-Ho and Young-Eun got off at the Hangnyeoul Station and walked towards SETEC—a convention center. There were tons of young students at the event. Many female high school students seemed to wear some make-ups as well.

"Oh, my gosh! So many people are here."

Gun-Ho saw a witch with white hair, who was standing next to a goblin. There was a group of people wearing German soldier costumes. Those kids were busy taking pictures of each other.

"Wow! I didn't know we have this sort of culture in our country!"

Young-Eun looked impressed. She took a picture of a boy who was wearing a crusader costume. Gun-Ho and Young-Eun entered the exhibition room no. 1. The room was filled with people and their heat. Gun-Ho and Young-Eun went into the event office where President Shin and Artist Choi were sitting in.

"Oh, you came!"

"Whoa, this is amazing."