Forming a company in India – Part 2

Gun-Ho received a call from his sister.

"Gun-Ho, how's your married life? Is it good?"

"Not really. I only see my wife on weekends."

"If she can't move, you can move close to her work like Hyehwa Town or Myeongryoon Town."

"I don't know."

"Any news yet?"

"What news?"

"A baby, my brother. I'm asking if your wife is pregnant. Mom actually asked me to ask you about it the other day."

"Nada, sister. We just got married."

"Once your wife gets pregnant and goes through childbirth, she will change her mind."

"Change what mind?"

"She won't want to keep her current life like being with you only during the weekends because she won't be able to take care of a baby by herself."

"What life would she want then?"

"She will either move in with you to the TowerPalace condo or ask you to move to somewhere close to her workplace."

"Hmm, well, I will think about it when that happens."

"Mom and dad are often visiting some places distant from home these days since they have the Grandeur."