A Little Trip to Yangpyeong County (1) – Part 1

President Jeong-Sook Shin came to Gun-Ho's office at GH Development with Mr. Yoshitake Matsuda.

"To what do I owe the pleasure of your visit this morning?"

"We brought something for you to review, sir."

"What is it?"

"It's a magazine publishing plan."

"Oh, is it about the costume play magazine?"

"You will find all the details regarding the magazine such as the name of the magazine, production crew, target audience, etc. Mr. Yoshitake Matsuda drafted it."

"My reviewing it won't help you much since I don't know anything about it…"

"The name of the magazine is Costume Korea. I'm going to apply for ISBN."

"If this is the result of the discussion between you two, I have no doubt. Please proceed as you planned."

Gun-Ho gave a cursory glance to the document even though he didn't really paid attention to it, and then he gave it back to President Jeong-Sook Shin.

"Umm, sir, I was wondering what happened to the idea of acquiring the production company of soap operas."