A Little Trip to Yangpyeong County (1) – Part 2

That night, Gun-Ho made love with Young-Eun.

Young-Eun did better than at the beginning of their marriage. She used to play like a piece of wood during the intercourse, but these days, she sometimes wrapped her arms around Gun-Ho's neck; she became more active. Also, when she felt good, she gave a kiss to Gun-Ho which she didn't before. All these changes made Gun-Ho think of Mori Aikko or Seol-Bing less and less.

Gun-Ho was putting fruits, coffee, and stuff in his Land Rover when Young-Eun got into the car with a fat bag.

"What is it? What's in the bag? It looks heavy."

"These are some spices and sauces."

"Spices and sauces?"

"Yeah. I talked with my aunt yesterday. When I asked her what to bring to her house, she said she needed a soy sauce. So I'm taking a bottle of soy sauce."

"That doesn't look like just a bottle of soy sauce. What else you got there?"

"Oh, these are some red chili-pepper paste and vegetable oil too."