Relocation of GH Logistics (1) – Part 1

Gun-Ho was dozing off in his office on the 18th floor in GH Building in Sinsa Town when he received a call from China. It was Antang City's terminal president— Mr. Runsheng Yan.

"Hello, President Goo."

"Who is this?"

"This is President Runsheng Yan of the intercity bus terminal in Antang City."

"Oh, President Yan!"

"It has been quite a while since we signed the letter of intent. Do you think we can sign the actual contract within this month? As I mentioned earlier, you can send the person who will run the intercity bus service business here even before we sign the formal agreement."

"I have things that I need to take care of before doing so. Please give me time until then. It's early July now, and I think things will be done here by the end of this month."