Relocation of GH Logistics (1) – Part 2

Gun-Ho gave a call to Jae-Sik Moon to ask about Onbid.

"It's me, Gun-Ho."

"Yeah, President Goo. What's up?"

"I guess you and I talk a lot on the phone today."

"Haha. I guess so."

"I've verified the funds in my bank account, and I sent 200 million won back to the GH Logistics' business account."

"You did? Okay. Thank you."

"And, I was wondering if you have applied for bidding on Onbid."

"You mean for the rental property in Siheung City, right? The one without restriction on the use, huh? I did."

"You will have a visitor tomorrow. He is the one who will take over the company. He will be there around noon."

"Oh, really?"

"He is my brother-in-law."

"Yeah, I think you told me about him. You said that he has been in the transportation industry for quite a while, huh? Actually, we need someone like him in GH Logistics."

It was Tuesday.

Gun-Ho went to work at Dyeon Korea that morning.