Relocation of GH Logistics (2) – Part 1

Gun-Ho's sister quickly covered her mouth with her hand realizing that she shouldn't have said the word basement to Jae-Sik's face.

"I'm so sorry. It just came out of my mouth. Hahaha, you are Jae-Sik!"

"It's okay, sister."

"You've changed a lot. I wouldn't have been able to recognize you if you didn't say anything."

"I knew it was you right away, Gun-Sook sister. You used to scold me for reading cartoon books in Gun-Ho's room without studying."

"Yeah, I remember that. You love reading cartoons. How are your parents doing?"

When Jae-Sik was hesitating to respond to Gun-Ho's sister's question about his parents, his workers came to Jae-Sik and let him know that they would be back after lunch.

"Sir, we will have lunch now. We will be back soon."

"Oh, sure. Bon appetit."

Jae-Sik showed Gun-Ho's sister and her husband to his office. He then prepared green tea for them.