Relocation of GH Logistics (2) – Part 2

Gun-Ho looked at Jae-Sik. Gun-Ho was impressed by how knowledgeable and professional Jae-Sik had been. He sounded like a real businessman who had been running a company for a long time.

'I didn't know he had been doing this well. I was worried about him running this business since he was a writer dealing with words and papers only, but it seems that he has been handling the business very well like a good businessman in this field. I guess he would do just fine in China too.'

Jae-Sik looked at Gun-Ho's sister and said, "Sister, have you issued a tax invoice before?"

"Huh? Well, I was not directly in charge of that task, but I've done it several times."

"You can easily do it through the National Tax Service's website—HomeTax. President Gun-Ho Goo is actually an expert on that sort of work. You know that he used to work in the field, right?"

"Did he? He used to work in the accounting field?"

"You didn't know that? He used to work with computerized accounting."