Winning Bid at Public Auction—Onbid (2) – Part 1

Gun-Ho made a call to his brother-in-law to inform him about the property that they wanted to lease for GH Logistics' new location.

"We got the rental property in Siheung City on Onbid."

"Oh, really? How much did we offer? I think I read you a wrong number last time. It was 6 million won, not 60 million won."

"Our price is 6.15 million won."

"That's good. It's the rent for one full year, so its monthly rent is about 500,000 won."

"That's correct. Now, brother, tell me about your plan with the office setting. Are you going to place a container office there?"

"I think so."

"What about electricity?"

"I saw a utility pole nearby. I think I just need to apply for the electricity service to the Korea Electric Power Corporation. I will contact them."

"What are you going to do with water then?"


"You will need a bathroom and access to water to have an office there."

"Oh, shoot. I'm sorry."