Winning Bid at Public Auction—Onbid (2) – Part 2

Gun-Ho looked at his watch.

"It's afternoon already. It's lunchtime. What do I want to eat today?"

At that moment, his phone started ringing. It was Jong-Suk Park.

"Bro, let's have lunch together today."

"Huh? Where are you right now?"

"I'm on my way to your art gallery. I want to see the wood-carved figures during my lunchtime. I'm almost there. Can we meet at around 1 pm? I think I will finish my tour by then."

"Really? You are coming all the way here to see the artworks?"

"You probably don't know, but all of the executive officers here visited the art exhibition already."

"Why didn't they let me know? We could have lunch together."

"They had to get back to work. They probably don't want you to think that they spent too much time outside the work."

"Haha. They don't have to think that way. Well, I will come down to the gallery around 1:15 then. Take your time. I will see you then."