A Group’s Secret Proposal (1) – Part 2

When Gun-Ho was reviewing the chart in his office at Dyeon Korea, he received a call from A Group's A Electronics' CEO

"This is A Electronics' CEO Park."

"Oh, hi. How have you been?"

"Are you in Seoul right now? Or Are you in Cheonan City?"

"I'm actually in Asan City."

"Oh, that's right. You have another company in Asan City. Do you have any plan to come to Seoul City anytime soon?"

"I only stay here on Mondays and Thursdays."

"Oh, then, can I assume that you will be in Seoul City tomorrow?"

"Yes, I will be there."

"Then, let's have lunch together tomorrow."

"Sure, but can I ask you what's the occasion?"

"I just want to ask you something while having lunch with you."

Gun-Ho couldn't turn down his proposal to have lunch together since he had bought him lunch the other day after playing golf together, in the restaurant— Seungjiwon.

"Where do we want to meet?"