A Group’s Secret Proposal (2) – Part 1

A Electronics' CEO Park sat on a bench outside the Ahn Jung Geun Memorial Hall. Since it was a weekday, there were not many visitors there. A tree provided a good shade to the seating area where the bench was situated, and Gun-Ho joined CEO Park and sat on the bench while holding his canned coffee.

Gun-Ho could see the parking lot where his Bentley was parked at from the bench which he was sitting on. Chan-Ho was keeping the car's four doors open to ventilate, and he was taking a rest while sitting on a rock nearby while listening to music.

A Electronics' CEO said, "Mr. President Goo, it's hard to run a business, isn't it?"

"It is, but it's also fun sometimes."

"Well, maybe you are less stressed than people like me who are hired to run a business since you are running your own business."

"A Electronics has more than 10,000 workers, doesn't it? It must not be easy to manage all those workers, and the management system must be complex."