A Group’s Secret Proposal (2) – Part 2

"So, how many product orders are you thinking of offering to us, and how many shares do you want me to release?"

"As a start, we will place product orders worth more than 100 billion won within a year. The volume of our product orders will increase every year."

"Whoa! Did you say 100 billion won worth of product orders?"

"You will have to make sure that you are providing us quality products though. The deal can be well broken if we get defective products."

"What about stocks? I'm sure that you are not asking me to give 100% of the company's shares."

"Hahaha. I know that I can't ask you for that. If I ask you to give us even 50% of the company's shares, you would walk away. I know you want to stay in control of your company by keeping more than 50% of the shares. I want 15% of the ownership."

"What? 15% of the company's shares?"