Changes in GH Mobile’s Stock Ownership (1) – Part 1

When Gun-Ho arrived at his office in GH Mobile, Secretary Hee-Jeong Park brought a cup of green tea to him, and she said, "President Song is not in the office right now. He went to Mandong Company, sir."

"Hmm, I see."

"He is attending a meeting for their vendor companies. He asked me to let you know that when you come to the office."

"He didn't have to… Well, thank you for letting me know. Could you ask the accounting director to come to my office?"

"Yes, sir."

Secretary Hee-Jeong Park gave a bow to Gun-Ho quietly and walked out of the office.

After a moment, the accounting director came to Gun-Ho's office carrying some documents. The accounting director handed the documents to Gun-Ho in a respectful way.

"What is this?"

"It's the notarized supply contract with A Electronics."