Changes in GH Mobile’s Stock Ownership (1) – Part 2

The assistant manager in the accounting department entered Gun-Ho's office. He was a young man who was wearing glasses. He looked familiar to Gun-Ho. Gun-Ho ran into this man several times in the hallway, and he always gave a deep bow to Gun-Ho every time he encountered him. Gun-Ho thought that he was working for the general affairs department, but he was actually working in the accounting department. Now, Gun-Ho recalled that he had seen this man in his office as well. Gun-Ho usually invited the workers to his office, who made their position promotion, to congratulate them. The assistant manager came to Gun-Ho's office the other day with several other workers because he had been promoted. Gun-Ho even had a handshake with him at that time. He looked like he was in his early 30s. He gave a 90-degree bow to Gun-Ho as he entered the office.

"We can get a certificate of personal seal at any location, can't we?"

"Yes, we can, sir."