Changes in GH Mobile’s Stock Ownership (2) – Part 2

It was Friday.

Gun-Ho went to work in the GH Building in Sinsa Town. He was having a cup of coffee sitting on the sofa in his office with his legs crossed.

"Young-Eun is coming home today."

Gun-Ho called for Assistant Manager Hong. When Assistant Manager Hong entered his office, Gun-Ho said while handing a bankbook and his stamp to him, "This is my bank account where I receive all my salaries. Please withdraw 50 million won from the account and bring it to me. Please make five 100 million won bills."

"Yes, sir."

Gun-Ho wanted to give some money to Young-Eun that evening. He wanted to do so ever since he realized that he had never given Young-Eun any money for living expenses. Well, actually, there was nothing much that Young-Eun had to pay as living expenses while she was with Gun-Ho. Whenever they dined out, Gun-Ho always paid for it. Young-Eun often did some grocery shopping on Fridays on the way to Tower Palace condo, but it wouldn't have cost her much anyway.