Changes in GH Mobile’s Stock Ownership (3) – Part 1

In the evening, When Young-Eun came back home, she looked extremely tired.

Gun-Ho asked her, "Are you feeling okay?"

"Yeah. I'm just so tired."

As she was carrying huge grocery bags, Gun-Ho said, "What are these?"

"I stopped by the supermarket on the way, and vegetables were on sale. Also, I bought a few radishes and one jar of red pepper paste. It's so heavy."

"Why didn't you ask them for a delivery?"

Gun-Ho placed most of the stuff that Young-Eun bought on the dining table after putting vegetables and fruits in the refrigerator. In the meantime, Young-Eun laid down on the sofa in the living room.

"Young-Eun, don't forget that you are carrying a baby. You shouldn't let yourself get tired. When you have to go grocery shopping, just let me know. I will go with you."

"Okay. Can you bring me the electric fan? It's so hot here."

"I can turn on the air conditioner instead."

"No air conditioner. I don't want to catch a cold."