Changes in GH Mobile’s Stock Ownership (3) – Part 2

Gun-Ho talked to Young-Eun about his company. He hadn't really talked about his business to her before. He now felt like he should let her know about his companies since she was his wife— the closest family member to him— after all

Gun-Ho asked, "You haven't been to my factory in Jiksan Town, Cheonan City, have you?"

"No, I haven't."

"Do you want to come and take a look?"


"Why not?"

"Your workers will not welcome me. I don't want to bother them at their work. Think about it. Say, the director's wife at the hospital where I work came to visit the hospital. Do you think the doctors and nurses, who are working there, would feel happy to see her? I don't think so. That would give more stress to those who are already under a lot of stress."

"You are right. What if you just look at the company from a distance?"

"That should be okay. I guess that it won't do any harm to anybody to just look at the factory without entering the building."