Building Bus Terminal (1) – Part 2

Gun-Ho and Jae-Sik Moon continued to talk in the car while heading to Antang City.

Gun-Ho asked, "Did they already find a construction company for the terminal?"

"I don't think so. I was told that they will put the work on an open bid."

"That's what they say, which might be different from what they actually would do. Maybe the public bid is a pretense. Maybe they already have a construction company that they want to work with. When the joint venture eventually makes a contract with a construction company, you probably want to pay attention to that construction company's president. He must be someone who is closely related to a high ranking officer in the municipal government."

"Is it like that in Korea too?"

"I don't know, but in Korea, the government always finds a construction company through Onbid if the work is for the government. So, that sort of practice in Korea shouldn't be as prevalent as it is in China."

"Man, you seem to know everything. It's amazing."