Building Bus Terminal (2) – Part 1

Gun-Ho was reviewing the joint venture contract in Jae-Sik's office, that had been translated into the Korean language by Ms. Eun-Hwa Jo. Gun-Ho didn't find any anomaly in the contract. Basically, the contract explicitly stated that the Chinese partner would make investment in-kind by providing the 10,000 pyung large land where the terminal would be built on. And the Korean partner would bring the half of the entire projected investment size in cash which would be 25 million dollars.

The contract also clearly indicated that since the land in which the Chinese partner would make their investment which wasn't worth 25 million dollars, but less, so in order to fill up the gap, they would give the Korean partner an intercity bus business license.

When Gun-Ho was reviewing the contract in the office, the office manager lady who was in her 30s brought a cup of tea to Gun-Ho.

"This is black tea. Guizhou Province is famous for its black tea."