Production Expansion of GH Mobile and Dyeon Korea (1) – Part 1

It was Monday.

Gun-Ho went to work at GH Mobile in Jiksan Town along with Chan-Ho Eum. GH Mobile was currently building an additional production site; H-beam was being constructed when Gun-Ho arrived there that morning. A H-beam was standing upward without a wall yet.

When Gun-Ho was walking around the construction site, Director Jong-Suk Park, who was also the plant manager, came to Gun-Ho quickly.

Gun-Ho said, "It seems that the site has been cleared, and the excavation is completed as well. The H beam columns are being built up."

"Yeah, the excavation was done while you were in China. Once the cement dried out, they took out the mold and placed the H-beam. All the noisy work was done during the weekend."

"So, you had to come to work even during the weekend, huh? I'm sorry to hear that."

"It was not just me. Dyeon Korea's Director Yoon, and President Song came to work on Saturday and Sunday as well."

"I see."