Production Expansion of GH Mobile and Dyeon Korea (1) – Part 2

After President Song left his office, Gun-Ho leaned back on the sofa and thought about Director Jong-Suk Park.

'Jong-Suk… He was born into a family that was running a Seolleongtang (an ox bone soup) restaurant, and I had never seen him studying when we were in school. He was so into comic books at that time, and he loved to have fun. But now I come to think of it, he loved to make things with his hands too. He made a slingshot and a spinning top himself, which looked exactly the same as the ones that were being sold at a store.

A group of kids in the neighborhood once took the spinning top from him, that he made, and I took it back from those kids for him. He was very good at making things with his hands even when he was a child. And he seemed to have developed that skill as he worked at several different factories. Now, people call him MacGyver Park. He earned that nickname.