Reunion with Industrial and Commercial Bank of China’s Branch Manager (1) – Part 2

Jae-Sik continued, "Since I have a condo, I asked her to come quickly. She has things that she has to take care of before moving to China, so she will be here around mid-October."

"I see."

"My wife will be astonished once she sees my life here. I'm living in a luxurious condo riding an Audi with a chauffeur, and running an intercity bus business. I thank you, President Goo."

"Don't mention it!"

"I often become philosophical these days looking back at my life. I wouldn't have even imagined that my life would turn out this great. I didn't know a life like this was even possible."

"Haha, really?"

"Oh, and I talked with the salesperson in the sales office of the condo complex. According to her, they have 8 new condos available, and I told her that I want to purchase 5 of them. I said that I'm buying them so the executive officers of my business from Korea can stay there."

"What did she say?"