Reunion with Industrial and Commercial Bank of China’s Branch Manager (2) – Part 1

When it was 6 pm, Jien Wang showed up at the restaurant. He was wearing a shabby business suit carrying a briefcase.

"Jien Wang!"

"Hey, Gun-Ho Goo! It's really good to see you, man. Is the bank's branch manager person here yet?

"No, not yet."

"What are you going to talk to him about?"

Well, the usual things that people talk to a bank's branch manager about—asking him to lend me money."

"That's true."

"Oh, he is coming."

A man in a sleek business suit was entering the restaurant.


"Mr. President Goo? You look great. I almost didn't recognize you. You've changed a lot."

"You are the same as I remember."

"Really? Thank you."

"Oh, let me introduce you to my friend here. He is Professor Jien Wang at Zhejiang University."

"Oh, I know him— Professor Wang. I've seen him several times on TV."

"TV? I guess he often appears on TV."