Reunion with Industrial and Commercial Bank of China’s Branch Manager (2) – Part 2

Gun-Ho parted from the bank's branch manager at the restaurant's front door—Wang Hu Bing Guan. When Gun-Ho and Professor Wang were left alone, Jien Wang suggested Gun-Ho to have a drink.

"President Goo, this place is too luxurious to stay long. Let's take a walk along West Lake, and have a bottle of beer together."

"Sounds great."

Gun-Ho and Jien Wang were walking along West Lake.

Gun-Ho said, "Hangzhou City has changed a lot. I see many new buildings that were not here when I was here before."

"Things change rapidly these days. It's the power of money."

"You are right. Even the small city—Antang—that is located deep in the west area is being developed vigorously. I see a lot of new construction sites there."

"When more people move to an area, its housing prices will go up higher. By the way, are you planning to take a loan and use it as your investment funds?"