Participating in producing a Chinese Drama (1) – Part 1

On Friday, Gun-Ho finally received an email from the drama production company in Shanghai— Huanle Shiji— regarding their next drama's TV schedule. Huanle Shiji's President Baogang Chen stated in the email that the negotiation with Shanghai's broadcasting station went well, and they assigned a time slot to be on the air, for the drama.

[We received a confirmation from Shanghai broadcasting station. Our new TV drama— Shiguang Ru Meng— is scheduled to be on the air in the evening from 8:20 pm for 40 minutes. It will be aired twice per week, and it totals 35 episodes.

Accordingly, Huanle Shiji now needs to organize our production crew for this drama including an assistant director. Please send us GH Media's Mr. Director Woon-Hak Sim as soon as possible. We'd like to discuss with him in selecting production crew members and casting actors and actresses.

From Huanle Shiji's' President Baogang Chen.]

Gun-Ho replied right away.