Participating in producing a Chinese Drama (1) – Part 2

BM Entertainment's President Hyeon-Man Yee continued, "People like President Goo are ideal businessmen. Look at the way he talks."

"What way does he talk?"

"First of all, he doesn't talk much, and he doesn't imply much either when he responds to the other person's saying. He always says 'Really?' 'I see,' 'Hmm.,' 'Is that so?' While saying it, his brain is fully operating. He is a clever and cunning man."

"Haha. It does sound like him."

"You will see. He now runs a few small and mid-size companies, but he will grow whatever soon."

"Well, he still can't be compared to you, sir."

"Me? A person like me is an easy prey for him."


"I met someone the other day, and heard a rumor saying that Gun-Ho Goo is a big player in Gangnam District. That cunning man probably saved somewhere a significant amount of cash."

"If that is true, Director Sim is a lucky man who met the right person."

"Of course. He is d*mn lucky to start working for that guy."