Actress Lia and Aikko (2) – Part 1

Gun-Ho said as he wiped the tears off Mori Aikko's face, "Why did you pick Otaru City?"

"I used to live in Otaru City with my family when I was little. Those are the happiest days of my entire life."

"Really? I remember that you told me that your father was a teacher in Otaru."

Otaru was a small city on Hokkaido island in the northern area of Japan. It took around an hour to get there by bus from Sapporo City—the capital city of Hokkaido. Aikko's father worked as a teacher in Otaru City. On weekends, Mori Aikko visited his father in Otaru with her mother, and the whole family spent time together. They often took a walk along the canal and ate tasty sushi while enjoying each other's company.