Actress Lia and Aikko (2) – Part 2

Gun-Ho and Aikko came back to Daikanyama and had their early dinner together. Gun-Ho was then getting ready to go to the airport.

"Oppa, you are like a wind to me."

"A wind?"

"Yeah. You come to me like a wind and leave me like a wind too."

Gun-Ho hugged Aikko tightly.

"You can then be a flower that attracts the wind."

Gun-Ho gave a deep kiss to Aikko. He then pulled out an envelope from the inner pocket of his blazer.

"This is for your living expenses. I want you to have delicious food."

Aikko smiled sadly as she took the envelope from him. That was the way she always smiled every time she took money from Gun-Ho.

Gun-Ho arrived at Gimpo International Airport. It was getting dark. Chan-Ho Eom was waiting for Gun-Ho to pick him up.



"The business in Tokyo must be stressful and busy. You seem to lose some weight."

"Me? What are you talking about? How possibly could I lose enough weight to be noticed within two days?"