Each GH Company’s Year-End Financial Report (3) – Part 2

President Shin continued, "My condo was on the market for an urgent sale. It was last year. It's a 30 pyung large condo, and the price was 850 million won. I had 100 million won in cash that I saved up with the dividend I had received last year. So, I was like 'okay, let's go for it,' and I bought it."

"So, you had your 450 million won back from your previous condo and added 100 million that you had in cash to it. So, you bought the condo with 550 million won with a 300 million won loan taken out from a bank."

"That's right. With a 300 million won loan, my monthly payment for the bank is 1 million won. I couldn't sleep at night whenever I thought about the payment. I felt like I was working to make money to pay for the loan interest to the bank."

"Hmm, 300 million won is a lot for a loan."