Maternity Leave (1) – Part 1

Once Gun-Ho came back to his office in GH Building, he made a call to Min-Hyeok Kim. It was around 2 pm.

"You seem to be very busy taking care of businesses outside the office."

"Haha. Not really. I'm not particularly busy these days."

"GH Parts Company's year-end profit and loss report has been emailed to the Manager Song person over there."

"Yeah, I'm aware of it. But I still wanted to hear from you."

"We barely made over 10 billion won last year. It's 10.4 billion won to be exact."

"You did a good job."

"Our cost of goods sold is 8 billion won, and the general administrative cost is 800 million won."

"Hmm, I see. The general administrative cost is less than 8%."

"I've tried hard to reduce our general administrative cost, but it has not been easy. The salary of our manager here is included in the general administrative cost rather than in the cost of goods sold since the position that he is holding is a managerial position."

"Is that so? That manager person is good?"