Maternity Leave (2) – Part 2

Ever since Artist Choi moved in with Gun-Ho's couple, and she was in charge of cooking, Gun-Ho gained some weight. Also, Gun-Ho came straight home after work without stopping by a bar for a drink since Young-Eun was at home waiting for him.

"I guess I won't be able to visit Japan to see Mori Aikko for a while."

Gun-Ho didn't even think about Seol-Bing. Whenever he saw a beautiful woman, he used to feel like wanting that woman, but he hadn't felt that way any longer.

His condo in TowerPalace gave him more homey feelings after Artist Choi moved in with them. Whenever he came home after work, Young-Eun and Artist Choi were busily doing some house chores like making kimchi or peeling off garlics. That created a homey atmosphere, and somehow that gave Gun-Ho a warm and peaceful feeling.

"Just one drop of oil would be enough. You need to put half of a tablespoon of chili powder."