Maternity Leave (3) – Part 1

Gun-Ho was supposed to go to work in GH Mobile in Jiksan Town that day, but he decided to stay in his office in GH Development in Sinsa Town because he wanted to stay close to Young-Eun who was in the hospital in Seoul City. Since he hadn't heard anything from Young-Eun's aunt yet, Young-Eun was probably not in labor just yet.

Gun-Ho was reading a newspaper in his office when he received a call from GH Mobile's Director Jong-Suk Park.

"Bro, it's me. I've been admitted to the four-year college!"

"What? You've been transferred to Korea University of Technology and Education? Congratulations!"

"Haha. I actually almost gave up on it, but they accepted me."

"I told you, man. You are more than qualified for it!"

"Because of my not-so-high TOEIC score, I thought that my application would be rejected."

"Of course you would. I guess you did very well at the interview, huh?"