External Audit Report (2) – Part 2

After lunch, GH Mobile's management people started congregating in the meeting room. They were all carrying a note under their arms. There were seventy of them including the executive officers.

Once they all settled into their seats at the table, they all looked at President Song.

"I called for this meeting because we are expecting to receive a large volume of new product orders from A Electronics and H Group. It is certainly one of the best things that could happen to a company, to have more product orders from our client companies; however, if we don't make profits out of it by producing more products, what would be the point of working hard and trying hard to procure more clients and work?"

Everyone was quietly listening to President Song.

"Manager Kim who is sitting in the front row! Do you know our cost of sales to revenue ratio for last year?"


"You don't know? What about Manager Lee who is sitting next to Manager Kim? Can you give me the number?"
