Second Generation of GH Group Family— Sang-Min Goo – Part 1

It was Tuesday.

Gun-Ho was supposed to go to work in GH Building, Sinsa Town that day, but instead, he asked Chan-Ho Eom to head to Goesan Town.

"Let's go to Goesan Town today."

"The town where Master Park is living, sir? We've been there before."

"Right. I'm going to ask him to name my child."

"Umm, sir…"


"Will it be okay if I ask him about me?"

"Sure. Why not?"

"I didn't bring cash today. Can I get a payment in advance for my work, sir?"

"You mean the cash for Master Park? I will pay him for you. Don't worry about it."

"Thank you, sir."

Gun-Ho arrived at Master Park's temple-like home in Goesan Town, called Cheonghakjeongsa. Master Park was sweeping his yard. His home was unusually quiet that day.

"Hello, sir. It has been a while."

"Oh, President Goo. To what do I owe the pleasure of your visit today?"

"How have you been, sir?"

"I'm not doing very well. I guess I'm getting old. I feel sick here and there. Well, we can't stop aging, can we?"