Crowdfunding on Movie Production (1) – Part 1

It was Tuesday, and Gun-Ho went to work in his building in Sinsa Town. He was having a cup of tea while looking at his child's picture with his smartphone.

Then he realized, "I forgot to give Young-Eun money for living expenses."

Gun-Ho wire-transferred another 50 million won to Young-Eun's bank account. It was for the past five-month living expenses. To make sure Young-Eun received the living expenses from him regularly, Gun-Ho set-up the automated electronic funds transfer on his bank account with Kukmin Bank through its bank application—KB StarBanking. The amount of 10 million won would be sent to Young-Eun's bank account on the first day of every month from now on.

Gun-Ho gave a call to Young-Eun.

"What are you doing?"

"I was changing the diaper of our baby."

"When is the helper lady coming?"

"She is here already. She is cooking in the kitchen right now."

"She is not staying with us, but she will commute, right?"