Crowdfunding on Movie Production (1) – Part 2

It was already mid-April.

Gun-Ho started receiving the external audit reports for each GH company. The external audit reports produced by CPAs were showing the same data that was demonstrated in each of GH company's financial documents. Those documents were previously prepared by each GH company's person who was in charge of accounting and also reported to Gun-Ho in early January. Manager Hong brought the external audit reports to Gun-Ho's office.

"All of the GH companies are the business entities that close their account in December."


"They all have reported that they paid the corporate tax completely last month."

"Hmm, I see. Paying the proper amount of tax on time is a way to contribute to the economy of our country, through the business."

Manager Hong smiled broadly as she heard Gun-Ho mentioning the contribution to the country's economy by running a business and paying the tax due.

Gun-Ho received a call from Dyeon Korea's internal auditor.